One of my favorite scrapbooker, Amy Heller has brand new workshop called "Through the Kaleidoscope " at 2Peas.
I was lucky enough to contribute a layout to this workshop along with several other fabulous guest designers.
Do you wish you could add more color to your scrapbooking projects? Have you ever wondered how to mix manufacturers' products and collections with ease? And lets talk about all those products you've been hoarding in your stash, ever wish you could learn to use more of those in your projects? Join Garden Girl Amy Heller as she teaches a color theory based workshop, 'Through the Kaleidoscope | Making Sense of Color 4 Scrapbooking' based on the principles of the color wheel.
As a graphic designer and former creative and art director by trade, Amy's experience in color has spanned not only from the crafting world, but over 10 years professional experience in the design of advertising, brand development and packaging. Over five chapters, she'll share 50 brand new scrapbook pages by her and her group of contributors. Each chapter contains a printable PDF containing beautiful color inspiration boards from daily life as well as from scrapbooking supplies for each of the principles and colors covered, as well as a coordinating video. Included is a handy, portable flip card set with each of the color theories covered as well as the full color wheel for taking to your next crop or simply having in your craft area for easy and convenient color reference.
The content of this workshop will be available immediately upon purchase. The lessons are available for you to work at your own pace and upon purchase can be accessed in the "Workshops" section under "Classes & Events." A private message board forum is also available to ask questions for Amy and to connect with other participants. Enjoy! Cost of workshop: $25 Buy now!
The content of this workshop will be available immediately upon purchase. The lessons are available for you to work at your own pace and upon purchase can be accessed in the "Workshops" section under "Classes & Events." A private message board forum is also available to ask questions for Shannon and to connect with other participants. Enjoy!
ちょうど岡山で講習が決まり 準備していた時に 大好きなscrapbookerのAmyからメールを頂きました。
2 PeasでWorkshopをするから 一緒に手伝ってくれませんか?・・というメール。
はい、喜んで~と言いたいところでしたが ちょうどレジュメや商品の手配中で いっぱい×100だったもので
悩んだ末 やっぱりこんな機会ないし!!と 2つだけ作品を送らせて頂く事になりました。
Amyにはわがままを聞いてもらい、締切や作品数で融通をきいてもらい 本当にありがたかったですww
後から・・ですが このWorkshopに携わっているScrapbokker達の名前が有名な方ばかりで、
私がCratePaperでDTが出来るようになったのもAmyのおかげなので 少しは恩返しになったかな??
では、では・・興味のある方は ぜひ2PeasのWorkshop を覗いてみてください。
文章は英語だけど 色についての講座です、沢山の作品を見るだけでも勉強になりそうです。
すごいですねー!!Two Peasですごく宣伝してたので「何だろう?」って思ってたんです。junoさんのLOを見るには受講しないといけないのかな?今日からちょっと時間に余裕ができたので、受講してみようかな。
私も他の方の作品が見てみたい!!んですが 時間がなさそうなので(汗)
色の勉強は 中学の娘がちょうどしていたので 教えてもらいながら作ったんです。
誘ってもらえたお陰で 私も勉強になったし・・楽しかったですww
翻訳ソフトに頼りつつ 中学英語で返答・・と四苦八苦してるもん。
michiさんも参加していて 作品見てみたいもん。受講しないとだめなんだけどね^^;